COVID World – Resist!

COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. From New Zealand to the the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. This globalist corporate State is to be centrally controlled and administered by a distant global governance cartel of appointed bureaucrats. Tasked only to serve the interests of a tiny, disproportionately wealthy group we can call the parasite class.

Every aspect of your life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the ultimate surveillance State. Your ability to work, to socialise, to travel, conduct business, access public services and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.

This transformation process is well underway. You are no longer a human being, you are a biosecurity risk. As such you may be removed to a military controlled quarantine camp as and when the State sees fit. Detention without trial will be the norm. All protest will be outlawed unless the protest suits the agenda of the parasite class.

You will not leave home without it.

Your children will no longer be your own. They will belong to the State. Parental consent for medical procedures will be presumed or, in the case of mandatory procedures, not required. Once the biosecurity State is firmly established consent will be a distant memory.

We have a diminishing window of opportunity to stop this global fascist dictatorship. Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.

Keeping you safe?

Violence is the language of the oppressor. The global State holds total dominion over instigation of the use of force. To crack down, in response to a violent uprising, is the fervent hope of the oppressor. It allows the State to exercise more, not less, authoritarian control.

In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse, to comply. We must do this with our eyes open. It won’t be easy and many of us will face harsh punishment from a desperate tyrant. However, if we don’t stand up now, we are condemning future generations to unimaginable levels of slavery and misery.

In order to foist this upon us, the apparatus behind it has invested billions in propaganda. The fascist technocracy, presently being being constructed at an alarming pace, requires our cooperation. Without it, the biosecurity dictatorship cannot gain its desired authority.

Our representative democratic systems are not what our forebears gave everything to build. The parasite class have hollowed them out, replacing the organs of State with their own, leaving only the shell as a chimera to maintain our delusions and keep us believing that we have a semblance of control.

It is a fools errand to attempt to use their system to win our freedom. It is designed to control us. Appeals to their courts will never deliver justice to us. Temporary, small victories will always be overturned. Nor can we vote harder expecting yet another of their puppets to save us.

The purpose of the representative democratic apparition is to centralise all global power in the hands of the parasite class. This course is inexorable and, while we persist in our electoral folly, we will not alter it.

We must build something new to replace it. The obvious solution is the decentralisation of all power to the individual. We must construct a voluntary society.

Without us, without our obedience, the parasite class is currently nothing but a group of ineffectual, wannabe plutocrats, sat on piles of paper, created from nothing and worth nothing. If we don’t obey, there are no rulers.

Should we refuse to use their monetary system, their usury will be fruitless; if we decide not to pay their taxes, we cut will off their economic exploitation and if we never vote for their bureaucrats we won’t consent to their nominated, elected aristocracy.

We just don’t know that we have all the power.

We are the scientists and the engineers, the doctors and the nurses; we are the builders and the architects, the mechanics and the farmers; we are the soldiers who kill and die for their enrichment, we are the police officers who enforce their unlawful rules; we are the people who build and work in their factories, we are the office workers and bank clerks who administer their system, the shop workers, the programmers, the writers, the artists, the teachers and we are the people who, through our belief in their mythical authority, allow the parasite class to control us.

We are the meek, we are the receivers of all knowledge and all wisdom. We possess all the technology we need and we are the experts. It is our world, leased from our future generations, not theirs. Without us the parasite class are utterly incapable of controlling anyone or anything.

We must create, not destroy. We must liberate science, technology, art and knowledge itself from their occult control. We must build alternative decentralised systems, enabling humanity to live as a coexistence of free, sovereign beings. We must focus upon self sufficiency, we must support each other, turn our backs on the control systems of the parasitic State and build our own autonomous communities.

We must refuse to comply with any and all attempts to centralise power. We can do this by rejecting, outright, the concept of authority.

No one ever has any right to tell anyone else what to do. But nor does anyone ever have the right to cause any harm or loss to another human being. We can live in harmony because we are capable of respecting each other equally, without reservation. We know this.

Not a single human being on this Earth has the right to order any other to obey their authority. None of us possess this power. Therefore, this power can never be derived from us. We do not have it to give. The State’s claim of authority, gleaned from their electoral anointment ceremony, is a charade. Their authority does not exist in reality, only in our imaginations.

We don’t need anyone to tell us how to live. Nor how to deal with the tiny minority incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions. A voluntary society would be a society without rulers, not a society without rules.

We don’t need their systems of authority to live in relative peace and harmony and we never have. Spontaneous order is all around us. We already live the overwhelming majority of our lives free from State control and without the need for anyone to impose any rulers upon us.

A disease, or a control mechanism?

With a few exceptions, no State compels the farmer to grow crops, no State coerces labourers to pick the harvest or engineers to design and operate packing plants and no State forces anyone to transport the produce to market nor any consumer to buy it.

This system isn’t controlled by any single authority. It is an intricate, often global, network of free individuals, each acting in their own best interests, creating a harmonious social order way beyond the operational control of any State. The State has no part in this social order of immeasurable complexity.

This ordered social construct, bringing food to the family table, is entirely voluntary. Our society is built from millions of such systems and trillions of voluntary actions and exchanges that happen every day. The voluntary society already exists. All we need do is recognise it, and then seize it. The State is, and always has been, entirely unnecessary. It is a hindrance, not a utility.

What benefit does the State and its regulation bring to our food supply chains? It claims to protect it. Protect for whom?

It removes the free market to protect the profits of multinational corporations. It imposes taxes, raising everyone’s costs, to pay for its wars of neocolonialist exploitation. It forces wages down, it cuts the margins for everyone from growers to retailers, pushing some into poverty to be preyed upon by the same corporate State.

Its food standard regulations, supposedly designed to keep us safe, effectively reduce food quality, creates massive waste, reduces nutrition, causes more sickness and lengthens the queues at the pharmacy. Again for the benefit of the parasite class and their pharmaceutical corporations.

In a truly voluntary, free market what would a supplier gain from providing low quality, expensive produce to consumers? They would quickly go out of business.

Only State regulations can possibly facilitate lowering quality, while raising prices, without anyone in the supply chain, other than the oligarchs at the top, profiting from it. Corporate profit is the bottom line and the State’s sole purpose is to protect it.

Yet, somehow, we remain convinced that society could not possibly order itself spontaneously, without the forced coercion of the State. Despite the fact that, in great measure, it already does. We neither lack the ability nor the knowledge to build a voluntary society. We lack the confidence, because this pernicious system is purpose built to rob us of it.

We are taught, practically from birth, that respecting authority is a virtue. To obey is to be good, disobedience is punished. What could we be if instead we taught our children to think critically, that all of us have equal, inalienable rights, never to cause harm or loss and to take responsibility for themselves because there is no claimed protection from any authority?

Respect their authority?

Unfortunately, once we enter the education system the doctrine of authority is vigorously reinforced through perpetual repetition and the systemic application of reward and punishment. We are taught what we are allowed to know. This prepares us to be productive workers and responsible members of the State.

We are then permitted to work until we are no longer productive, with every last ounce of profit milked from us, as we shuffle off to our graves on pharmaceutical life support, before the State swoops in to hoover up the remnants of our lives.

This is not done for our benefit. We are programmed to believe in the farcical notion of a benevolent State. A State which exclusively serves the parasite class and one in which our lives are the real commodity.

COVID 19 is not a high impact infectious disease, it has low mortality rates and is absolutely comparable to influenza. It isn’t even clear that is can be identified as a disease at all. Sadly, it seems the vast majority of us are so adapted to our authoritarian environment that we are incapable of ever questioning anything we are told by our superiors.

COVID 19 is nothing more than a casus belli for the Third World War. As the representatives of the State openly admit, that war is a hybrid war. Just as there is no such thing as a healthy human being, nor is there any distinction between war and peace.

All is war and we are the enemy. The military objective is to grind us into docile and compliant slaves, serving the new normal State.

We must face reality. In the new normal, driven by the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” our labour is no longer required. We are destined only to consume, and that consumption is to be ruthlessly controlled. As are we.

There is no black and no white, no right wing nor any leftists, there is no gay and no straight, no Republicans nor Democrats, no Conservatives nor Labour supporters. These are just some of the divisions forced upon us by the parasite class, and its compliant lapdog the mainstream media, to keep us divided and to stop us realising the truth.

We are in this together. All of us. No matter where we live or what we believe. We are all part of a single, inviolable truth.

Call it God, Allah, Yahweh, the Divine Spirit, the Universe, Mother Earth or Natural Law, there is one truth and we all understand it. Cause no harm, cause no loss, take responsibility for our actions and treat all with compassion and respect.

We are not merely a random cluster of atoms. We are sovereign spiritual beings. We have purpose and every life has inestimable value. We stand together or divided we fall.

You have a choice. Choose wisely.


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34 Comments on "COVID World – Resist!"

  1. Amen.

  2. This is another superb piece in a series of superb writings about the world wide power grab,

    • You’re welcome Paul. Thanks for reading it.

      • Iain, thanks for the article. You have one of the more lucid minds on the topic.

        A couple quick points:

        1) Spiro interviewed Patrick Wood recently. At about the 30 min. mark he indicates that it was Brzezinski and the Trilateral Commissiom which originally had designs “to bring China back into the global economic stage” via technocracy. I found this interesting for a number of reasons, although I have yet to verify it. At any rate I thought it may be of general interest to you.

        2) My idealistic side generally agrees with the premise presented in the article. Although, aside from monumental cultural challenges raised in the article (maybe unintendidedly), ie the education system, I do wonder how workable/practical volunteerism is in the real world. My doubts come partially from personal observation (having run many businesses over decades) and from Machiavelli’s Discourses. He talks about the need for society to have a place for a variety of human tendencies. I don’t have the book handy for the page reference but that notion did resonate and has only strenghened with time.

        Finally, the brilliance of the current, albeit inherently inequitable, money system CAN’T be underestimated. Critics are largely either shills or grossly ignorant on the topic (or both). My journey toward better understanding the world started with the study of monetary systems. Without going down this road to far I will just say this; what may appear to be free economic expression is more often than not unseen, very powerful and deliberate, forces at work. As you are likely aware economics is rooted in philosophy.

        Not intending to be Debbie Downer here. I wholly agree that any successful liberation from the current system begins with devoting our energy to the creation of a new one.

        • Many thanks for a thoughtful comment. I’ll look at the video later. Yes I am aware of the cultural challenges and am advocating a necessary (in my view) cultural shift. As I hope I have shown in the article (I hope you read the excellent “I Pencil” linked in the post) a voluntary society of incredible complexity already exists. So the perhaps the cultural leap wouldn’t be so great. I agree the current monetary system (FIAT currency) is a brilliant fraud, but it is a fraud. Perhaps you might be interested in this:

  3. Thanks Iain, I live in NSW Australia and have been following this very closely. The whole thing from Cecil Rhodes to Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller, using environmental problems to implement the institutions for the centralisation of power clearly shows us that people or health is not their priority. Absolute power and control is what they lust for. Victoria is a prison and though I do not comply or consent to this virus lie, I feel totally helpless. NSW will be next no doubt. I meet with utter blank faces when I explain to neighbours why I will not comply. I know I am under surveillance and honestly expect one day to be dragged from my home. We all can expect this. The parasite class hate and despise us.
    I read your stuff and others so I feel someone is paying attention to reality in this horror show.

    Cheers Sue

    • Unfortunately Sue I think you are right. It is coming to all of us. We must keep spreading information in the hope that people will realise that the real protest is non compliance.

  4. I’ve been following your blog for a few months now. I always look forward to your inspiring words.

    I believe we are in the midst of a knife-edge moment for humanity, there is a huge war (perhaps ww3) being fought between the forces of centralisation and decentralisation, censorship vs freedom, propaganda vs truth. We are at dystopia/utopia fork in history. I joke to my friends that I don’t contribute to a pension because by the time I ‘retire’ the concept of money will be redundant – I will either be a slave to an anonymous totalitarian regime or truly free to do whatever I want in a decentralised society based upon collaboration.

    Currently, the incumbent nation states and particularly the USA are at the ‘end-of-empire’ stage of their existence and unfortunately are behaving irrationally to keep power (see Julian Assange extradiction hearing – I believe Covid and lockdowns are the ‘all-in’ move to attempt to create a global totalitarian state. The reason for this happening now is because centralised power is running out of time to stop superior decentralised approaches from showing their worth and for humanity to start waking up and speaking inconvenient truths to power.

    I work with software and technology. In just a few decades, system architecture patterns have moved from centralised and powerful single-server architectures to distributed microservices approaches. The benefits are huge – small improvements can be made quickly and incrementally, systems are robust to failure and when they do fail they do so incrementally (google the Netflix Chaos Monkey). The downside is they are more ‘complex’ and can be less efficient as there is cross-over and duplication. I’m of the opinion that the same architectural patterns that apply to software design are also relevant to how society chooses to organise itself.

    As science and technology continues to improve exponentially, the need for central authority and control in our lives fades to zero because where we previously relied on an authority to provide us something, this can be or will be done by open-source software/hardware/hybrid-agents.

    I believe we are close to some deep upheavals in our understanding of how to generate energy ( If we reach a state where individuals can generate energy effectively for free then humanity itself will be set free. There would be no need for people to be cold or lack clean water, we could 3-d print hover-car houses and travel anywhere in the world – we won’t argue about taxation for roads vs centralised healthcare vs centralised education because we won’t need any of these things. The idea of a universities being the central store of knowledge seems crazy in the age of the internet and Udacity – and in the current covid world a lot of young people are realising this. The idea of nation states and central authority seems almost laughable in this possible future.

    The question are: How do we steer the transition in the right direction? How do we minimise the inevitable creative destruction? What practical steps can I make as an individual to contribute?

    Cheers, Andy

    • Thanks Andy for a fascinating comment. I was struck by your observation that decentralised technology is now perhaps unstoppable hence the need to rapidly seize power. There has been a lot of debate about why so many elements of this power grab are so easy to refute, often haphazard and seemingly ill conceived. Like you, I and others perceive a sense of urgency and the debate has focused upon why this should be. You observed:

      “The reason for this happening now is because centralised power is running out of time to stop superior decentralised approaches from showing their worth and for humanity to start waking up and speaking inconvenient truths to power.”

      I think this is perhaps the best suspected reason and certainly not something I have hitherto been able to articulate. Thank you.

      Also your link to the Suncell is something I will be looking into, as I agree alternative independently generated energy is the key to human emancipation.

  5. “No one ever has any right to tell anyone else what to do. But nor does anyone ever have the right to cause any harm or loss to another human being. ”

    Both incorrect statements.

    First, everyone can say what they want, “rights” (privileges granted by the State) or not. I can tell you what to do anything I please. MAKING someone do something they do not want to, is the real issue. “You can’t tell me what to do!” is what petulant juveniles whine.

    And second, please define “harm or loss” for us. The world, I mean. Do you assume to be in control of the definitive value of what is good or bad? Are you really that ignorant of the entirety of human history? Differences in values of benefit or bane are at the core of every human conflict, ever. Only in a terrifying “everyone is identical” future can we all agree on everything. What you aver is such a well-worn philosophical slippery slope that I wonder if you stopped to think about your statement at all.

    The part I dislike the most about this piece is that it fails to address the issue of continuing to live with every last aspect of the technocracy, that it indicates somehow that’s all OK. Just as long as we have no technocrats or small group of ruling elite at the top, then we’re good.

    This high technology is the primary driver behind the decline in the overall quality of life for humanity, it’s the chains used to bind us and further enslave us, and the only way we’ll get back any semblance of healthy, fulfilling, free lives is to turn away from tech and use it only in the most sparingly of amounts. The love of this tech is what the globalists have brainwashed into us, and to defy them we must repudiate their tech.

    So perhaps give some thought into your love of tech and advocacy of its alleged benefits and whether or not those are actually your own ideas or even approach the facts of reality. Or is it all rather mere programming you’ve succumbed to at the hands of the very evil masters you claim to oppose?

    Drop the technocrats by dropping their tech.

    • I stand by statement on rights. I disagree that they are incorrect. Rights aren’t something anyone gives us, we are born with them. They are inviolable and innate. Whether others choose to respect them or whether we understand, exercise and live by them is the question.

      To say no one has the right to “tell us what to do” means no one has the right to force us to take action against our will. I would have thought that was self evident.

      You seem to be very angry about this. I don’t know why.

      I don’t need to define harm. That has already been done by better thinkers than you and I. For example, I have written about John Stuart Mills concept of “legitimate harm” here:

      Legitimate harm being any action, including speech, that leads directly to the physical harm of another. This becomes tricky when it refers to harm caused by what we say and there is a good essay on this issue here:

      Causing “Loss” is any form of theft. In fact a good argument has been made that theft is the only crime. What is murder other than the stealing of another’s life? So if, by our actions or words, we remove another human being’s ability to earn a living, we have stolen their autonomy and caused them (and presumably their family) great loss. For example, throwing the farmer off their land.

      This is not the same as stopping someone, for example, building weapons. Weapons manufacturers may say we have caused them loss but we have not. We may have stopped them causing harm but they are capable of manufacturing something else. Their ability to sell their skills, alternative products and to sell their expertise and labour has not been removed and we have not caused them loss.

      I do not consider I am in control of anything other than my own actions. However, I know that truth, as in moral or Natural Law (call it God’s law if you like) is absolute and is not, as you suggest, relative. We all know the difference between right and wrong and I suggest to you that imagining we don’t is the epitome of childish folly.

      To say technology is the primary driver of behind the decline of life quality seems absurd to me. I think technology, such as ploughs, irrigation systems, internal combustion engines and satellites improves our quality of life. Life expectancy, which we can’t take for granted, being just one measure of how it has done so. Technology has immense capacity to do good.

      I agree with you that this does not mean that technology is always deployed in beneficial ways. The Nuclear Bomb being a prime example of when it isn’t. But this is not the fault of technology nor the knowledge that underpins it. It is our fault for allowing our society to be ruled by those who consistently seek to centralise all power and affording them control of so much technology. As we need to decentralise power so we also need decentralise the control of and use of technology.

      However, you cannot “uninvent” technology. It is knowledge and so, unless you advocate the removal of knowledge, I suggest your apparent wish for some sort of agrarian utopia is both unlikely and misplaced.

  6. Dear Lain just came upon yr blog and found it very timely and informed. I’m a 70 yr old Irish man who started my new career on the 4th. Sept. 2020 as an Ambassador to the UBUNTU Community Development movement, which is ancient. This is promoted by Michael Tellinger,the well known researcher into ancient civilisations from South Africa. This new UBUNTU concept, which he has being working on over the past 15yrs, is called A youtube search will provide many inspiring pieces which caused me to put my years of research and experience behind this practical way to use the present situation we find ourselves in to become the change we want to see. I would also invite u to check out the sites and as examples of people working towards the Vision u express. Great to come upon others who are working on their vision for our new collective and positive future.Paul Barnes

    • Thanks Paul. I am aware of UBUNTU and Paul Tellinger’s work. Fascinating stuff and quite compelling. I think the human history we are “allowed” to know is part of the problem. I will certainly checks out the links and look at these communities. Thanks for the informative comment.

  7. The haves will not give up their privileges.
    They have armed forces, law and military, supporting them.
    It is these that you need to convince, who is it actually that they are protecting.
    “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” — Henry Kissinger
    Foreign and domestic he should have said.

    The technology that those in control depend on is temporary. This is their mistake. The resources are too scarce and the supply chains are too complex to survive any serious shocks to our system such as political, environmental, economic or physical. The envisaged robot world will also come to this eventually.

    The loss of a vital resource or component, even temporary, will have huge consequences. If you can survive such a shock, perhaps it might be this COVID thingy, then you will be prepared to survive in the coming resource scarce world.
    It’s just arithmetic.

    Dr Albert Bartlett: (R.I.P.) Arithmetic, Population and Energy

    If those in control can do arithmetic, then one has to wonder, is there a hidden agenda with a method to their madness?
    I dunno but, I suspect. Not all psychopaths are stupid.


  8. The World Economic Forum has infiltrated America’s public health agencies and scientific academics. They have hijacked our science turning it into social engineering science. We need to stop running around like scared little lab bunny rabbits. We need to get out from under the parasite class who run their criminal information warfare [io] [iia].

    Who gave this parasite class, the 1% of the 1% to play God without permission?

    As a programmer and computer engineer who writes code and algorithms, I am very concerned that we have zero accountability, let alone discussions or peer-reviewed critical analysis of how dangerous it can be when these oligarchs have the ability to rule over our own bodies by algorithms.

    Last week I had another disconcerting conversation with one of my colleagues who is an Artificial Intelligence consultant and works as a sub-contractors over at the Atlantic Council think tank, and he commented on how, ”It’s now all about hacking the human brain and our biological bodies- that keeps those damn Technocrats so obsessed.” He jokingly complained how feels like a drug dealer now, ” Our algorithms are light years beyond predictive behavior analytics, and once they realized this it became like an insatiable drug they fiend for. So now we sell them the perfect drug. Invisible power to control.”

    These shadow brokers and contractors have become the drug dealers for the cabal of elites. Providing dazzling code for push-button control.

    The engineers of this social science work under line items as Info Operations [io] , [iia] Internet Interactivity Activities, the more polite acronyms for reality hacking. They just let the algorithm rule us now.

    The problem is there are not many familiar with how far advanced AI, machine learning and much other dark technology ( developed by outfits such as DARPA) have become . It will enable these corrupt technocrats to usher in a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution.’

    A revolution that will forever change what it is to be human. A near-future where the promise of human 2.0 is only reserved for this parasite class, while the rest of humanity suffers as our own bodies and brains become the raw resource of energy to exploit.

    These parasites are the same psychopaths who constructed our global central banks of fiat currency. A monetary system with a record of failure. We are now are witnessing once again how their worthless fiat currency, backed by corruption, debt, liber accounting fraud, manipulation by algorithms, their obfuscation of our real monetary value- precious metals, and ongoing manipulation of the public’s perception through wars, bubbles, manufactured crisis after crisis and now pandemics.

    This parasite class has a historical record of brutality when they have failed to find cover for their own failed systems.

    In America our own CDC (Center of Disease Control) is just one of many institutions that their algorithm enjoys infecting that will diminish all its legacy equity of trust into dust. In this new world, we all have become disposable on their fast track to trans humanism. Equality my ass.

    The algorithm does not care about our health. If it did all these natural treatments would be available, instead, we let them make us sicker and abuse the psyche of all our children. The psychological torture of weaponized algorithms attacking our mental well being and threats of arrest for going to church, running our lives as games. Excuse me folks, but this is called Terrorism.

    How are they getting away with it?

    It all sits on the PCR test which is scientifically meaningless but has become their perfect weapon for social engineering. The entire Scientific community understands the amount of trickery that a PCR can have without set standards of its sensitivity markers to detect the virus. All with no proof for the RNA being of viral origin.

    Now the question is: What is required first for virus isolation/proof?

    We need to know where the RNA for which the PCR tests are calibrated comes from. PCR is extremely sensitive, which means it can detect even the smallest pieces of DNA or RNA — but it cannot determine where these particles came from.
    That has to be determined beforehand.

    In the context of SARS-CoV-2, we so-called conspiracy theorists are still waiting for the proof of whether the electron-microscopic shots depicted in all these science teams in vitro experiments show purified viruses.

    What’s quite frankly the most exhaustive case of gaslighting- would be the FDA’s own printed words.

    As I pop my daily Vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D – I see that all too familiar label ‘ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA ….’

    But I will tell you that what has been evaluated by the FDA is the PCR testing functionality. And they read as follows where the FDA admits that:

    “positive results […] do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”

    Perhaps the most astounding is the actual PCR Test Kits own medical inserts ( distributed by Roche ) reads:

    “ These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection”


    For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”

    Then what the fuck is real science now?

    This parasite class are good for one thing. Creating fake money, fake science, fake realities, fake threats and fake perceptions. All to feed their insatiable need for control.

    The whole C19 house of cards pandemic now sits on the PCR test. This is all code. DNA, RNA.

    Another big concern. Our brains have no intrinsic fire-wall for this new code that these mad scientists are infecting us with. Fuck cyber attacks. The real threats are the psychological attacks that have already dismantled our attention spans.

    Social media was the contagion that destroyed our sense-making and once they get their medical hooks into everybody our own bodies down to our microscopic cells will be ruled by their algorithms.

    They had their deep hooks in Silicon Valley and Shanghai long ago planning for their ‘Great Reset.’ They write code. Viruses are code.
    This war was coded, gamed, simulated and now being played. On us. I am not saying this sarcastically. These games they are playing are killing us.

    The covid19 pandemic is not based on classic virology or real science.

    It’s a new social science. Not valued by ethical skepticism. Novel in that it can disregard a gold standard in satisfying the four Koch’s postulates because it’s a type of new science where they can write their own code.

    We are on the path of becoming just another upstream of data to be mined for reflexive control over our own bodies and brains. Stop writing code for these bastards! People need to realize that the Emperor wears no clothes.
    To use fear as some form of bio-API to social engineer us into pieces of code where they can control us bit by bit, is an abomination.
    Now we somehow must all submit to their demands as a solution for a better future for ecological and equitable fairness. My ass. These are the very same problems that these fuckers have created that plague humanity in the first place.

    Welcome to the Technocracy- where we the people have become the serfs as raw resources and energy for their Fourth Industrial Revolution.

    HUMAN 2.0



  9. Just finished reading your book – Iain Davis’s ‘ A Dangerous Ideology’ . I spent my whole day nose dived in the pdf on my ipad.

    You revealed some of the examples of how far the complex pillars of deception have grown, in order to obfuscate the real terrifying inner workings of western Democracy. This has always been a complex discussion to have. Particularly more so now because the deception has become so overt and visible. This may be that there is a big reset coming to our reality. It would account for why vast amounts of people have lost all abilities in sense-making. The few sensible, critical thinking, ethical skeptics left are now rebranded as conspiracy theorists.

    I also appreciate your book covered the sheer amount of hydra-head deception operations that were required to pull off some of the cabals earlier blockbusters, including the 9/11 movie, and move quickly onto its Axis of Evil part 2

    I have some greater concerns about the advancement of deception technology and reality hacking, perhaps because I am a code writer that helps computers to run scripts and AI to continuously empower the algorithms machine learning.

    I recon this parasite class already has tested their new shiney human 2.0 algorithms and have begun deployment to propagate its new code of power. It is their ultimate wet dream of push-button control. What more could an insatiable ball of evil desire more?

    This parasitic class has eroded global governments through its front-facing proxy America. Hidden from the freedom and liberty-loving apple pie citizens’ perceptions, has been an alternate reality. This is a much darker reality, in this game they control the perception of reality, they see its population only as game pieces that are required to live in their simulated reality by diverting all attention to Money*. So is enough to extract our raw human resource to keep feeding its parasitic need for control. *spoiler alert- the money is fake as monopoly money.

    This class has achieved the power to re-imagine reality every so often. It’s such a spectacle that it keeps us mesmerized enough to expend all our human energy to pay them. They promise to keep us safe from their imagined nightmares and monsters. This parasitic class of course has complete plausible-deniability and anyone who thinks otherwise is a conspiracy theorist. Don’t expose the bully, narcissists hate it when their victims are immune to their threat. They are ever so busy chasing us last few into their traps.

    Living in West Coast America during COVID-19 there is now no more need for thinking. It’s great we just wait for what to be told how to feel. Do you get that? We just skip the thinking and just behave how we are told so. This is the current picture running.
    I would add, that a way to trap a parasite is to offer anything for spoil. Like a cockroach whose only purpose is scraping for spoils of anything. These parasites are already becoming trapped in a glorious ‘golden’ honey-pot.

    I am sure the shock and twist of the movie will be discovered in its final act, that the antagonist Orange Man Bad, a character so rotten and portrayed as a liar in chief becomes the unsung hero as Orange Man Rad! Turning large portions of his populace into conspiracy theorists.

    In Hollywood, we call this ‘flipping the script’. I am already starting to realize that I don’t feel like one of the last few men standing anymore. The parasites are so far removed from what it’s like to be human that they have not realized they are drowning in this honey-pot, while those so-called conspiracy theorists they accused are enjoying the show.

    I understand that the conspiracy class is now in charge of scriptwriting. They are working on ‘ The Great Awakening. ‘ [q]

  10. Spectacular, inspirational piece, Iaian. This is Truth. So very grateful to have come across your site.

  11. tricia mcguigan | October 3, 2020 at 11:45 pm | Reply

    Hi Iain, I’m not sure if you have seen this video. It seems like the German doctors have had enough and have hired the top lawyer in the land.

    • Thanks Tricia I have indeed and I fully support their efforts. I hope their challenge is heard but unfortunately I have so little faith in the international judicial system I do not think solutions will,be found within it. I am currently working ion a piece about potential solutions.

  12. Iain,
    Like so many I applaud your efforts to WAKE people up to what’s REALLY happening…

    Your articles are exceptional and to the point. I am not a blogger but I too try to ‘wake’ people up by creating a 6,000 page e-book with some 24,000 images that chronicle the last 300 years of world history… My e-book THE BANK$TER$ -The Root Of All Evil, is a constantly updated and revised edited collection of the research of hundreds of people like yourself from all professions from all over the world. I edit their work in such a way like pieces of a huge jigsaw, whereby each of their articles is fitted in to give a complete detailed picture that could be presented to a jury to decide for themselves. In this way, the reader (juror) can see the complete and well documented pattern that the BANK$TER$, the ruling elite, Illuminati, Shadow Government or whatever term you give these evil groups, you can see how they keep their power and control, how they create their own opposition and always play both sides to confuse and divide the masses.

    Anyway, I too am from England, probably the same Baby-Boomer age as you, but I moved to HOLLYWOOD and became among other things a writer and studio historian.

    Your writing style is a great asset in trying to get the truth out, their are millions like us working towards the same goal, but I fear unless we can convince billions… we are up against the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE of the majority who still can’t comprehend that pure EVIL is out to control and destroy them. Decades of dumbing-down, political correctness, junk food and junk media have eliminated any critical thinking. They’re too busy “trending-now” -but still the likes of you and I keep trying…

    All the BEST!

    • Thanks Graham. I’m 50 so I think that makes me Generation X (where do these names come from and who agree the label?) Thanks for the encouragement. Your project sound fascinating have you got a link to your ebook you would like to share?

  13. Props for your superb article on UK Column, Everything and Nothing. Fantastic research. Man, you work hard!

  14. No MATTER what we do THEY will USE FORCE aginst us, so the ONLY answer is to USE FORCE in our SELF-DEFENCE which is our LAWFUL and MORAL RIGHT

    • I disagree. I oppose violence in all its forms. I cannot and will not support it.

      If you are under direct physical attack then the use of minimal, legitimate force is justified, purely in self defence. However, rampaging in the streets and taking up arms against your oppressor, where you oppressor is using one of many other forms of non lethal force and coercive tactics, is not only unwarranted it is counterproductive. It makes you the aggressor it undermines your argument and it is morally unacceptable.

      It also enables the oppressor to claim legitimacy for their violent response. Which will almost certainly lead to nothing but carnage and the innocent suffering immense harm.

      Far better to use mass civil disobedience and all lawful means of resistance before anyone even considers using some sort of physical force. It is the pipe dream of childish macho men and wannabe guerrillas who envisage themselves as heroes in some sort of noble struggle. There’s nothing noble about dead babies.

  15. Wonderfully written Iain – you brought tears to my eyes. Really appreciate your support. I pray humanity will soon be so much more beautiful, when we’ve learnt this horrible lesson and assumed our freedom.

  16. Hi! this is a resistance reference text you’ve wrote. Superb!
    Please anderstand the French way of freedom and only pacific solution many french people is entering at this time we speak.
    This is THE solution we made after the World War 2 , called CNR
    You can go and see by yourself here :
    Registered officialy into the ONU organization so it is a perfectly LEGAL action !
    I really encourage all of you coming here and all countries to do the same very quickly now, cause time is not to talk anymore. Time is to Act now

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