critical thinking

For Those About To Question Authority – I Salute You

There are many people who, perhaps for the first time in their lives, are starting to ask fundamental questions about the nature of society and their relationship to authority. This runs contrary to everything they…

What If Conspiracy Theory Is True?

Conspiracy theory has become a dirty term. It suggests people called conspiracy theorists believe all manner of falsehoods. They are dangerous subversives or complete idiots (one of the two.) But what if conspiracy theory is true. What can we glean from this world view.

Stop Believing In Science and Start Stating Facts.

By saying that we believe in evolution are we suggesting there is an alternative explanation? Do we believe the Earth is 4.54 billion years old or is it simply a fact. By using our language cautiously are we allowing others with unproven, subjective ideologies the opportunity to masquerade faith as science. I suggest that we can both change the nature of the debate and future understanding if we are more confident instating evidential fact.

What Does Critical Thinking Mean ?

What does critical thinking mean? Why is it important and what can we learn from understanding it? Critical thinking is the basis upon which science, engineering, maths, technological development and so much more is built. But what benefit can it be for you and I as individuals? Does it matter what way we think? In this article we discuss the relative composition and merits of the skill of critical thinking. It reveals what it is and why it could be an important element of your life.