
An Anti-Vaxxer’s Letter To The Vaccinated

This is an open letter to people who call anyone who questions vaccines and “anti-vaxxer.” It is written in the fervent hope that we can reach a mutial understanding and respect one another’s views.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 4

We look at the evidence of systemic regulatory failures of vaccines in Part 4. What influence does profit have on decision making and what evidence is there that some vaccines are both unnecessary and unsafe?

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 2

We are now going to consider a small fraction of the peer reviewed scientific evidence which suggests there may be health risks associated with vaccines. If for no other reason than to provide a semblance of balance.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 1

The debate over vaccines has devolved into an appalling bipartisan row. Largely thank to the MSM stoking alarm and accusing anyone who has reservations about vaccines of being ‘baby killers’ there seems little hope in ever having a reasoned debate before the UK state makes vaccination compulsory for all. In this post I try to appeal for calm.