Search Results for "operation Gladio"

ITT Video – Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio was a secret NATO false flag terror campaign officially revealed in both the Italian and European parliaments in the early 1990’s. The disclosure of Operation Gladio proves that government engage in false flag terror for political gain. Watch here.

The Ridiculous Psychology of Conspiracy Theory

Belief in conspiracy theory is said to be driven by an underlying psychology that verges on a mental health problem. This er…. idea emanates from experimental psychology and all of it is totally ridiculous.

Disaster Troll Propaganda

Disaster troll is the dehumanising term the BBC’s special social media and disinformation correspondent, Marianna Spring, uses to attack investigative researcher and author Richard D. Hall. The BBC is waging a propaganda and disinformation campaign.

A Conspiracy Theorist Confesses

The label of “Conspiracy Theorist” is used today to describe pretty much everyone who challenges the preferred narratives, policies and actions of the State. But how did this term become weaponised and is what we are told about those labelled with it plausible?

The Flawed Psychology of Conspiracy Theory

Consopiracy theory is a consequence of warped psychology according to recent academic research from a team of psychologists at the University . We explore the numerous logical fallacies within this flawed pseudoscience and ask if it is the researchers own psychological problems which underpins it.

Why Understanding 9/11 Is Vital Today

Many people struggle to accept the New World Order project and simply reject any argument highlighting it as a ‘conspiracy theory.’ People who do understand it generally came to the realisation through their own research. So, if we want people to realise the truth, how do we encourage them to reject the mainstream media and think for themselves. In this post I argue that 9/11 is the possible key.

The Sri Lanka Attacks and the Danger of Internet Censorship

The Sri Lanka attacks are a horrific reminder of the scourge of global terrorism. The senseless loss of innocent lives is almost beyond imagination. Yet we are already seeing the state and its representatives exploit this crime to promote the notion of a clash of civilisations and to justify the censorship of the Internet. Read here to discover why.

The Syrian Conflict Deception – Part 3

One of the greatest myths we have been given by the Western MSM is that the Syrian conflict is a ‘civil war.’ It was never any such thing. For a civil war to occur two opposing groups of Syrian people would have needed to have been in conflict. As we see here, that was never the case in he recent Syrian conflict.